Direct VA Service Connection

Direct service connection is when your in-service injury, disease or incident is shown to have directly caused your present medical disability. It must be shown by medical evidence that it is “at least as likely as not” that the medical condition for which the veteran is seeking service connection was caused by in-service injury, disease or incident.

Aggravated Pre-existing Condition

If the veteran had a medically diagnosed pre-existing condition before his time in service and this condition was worsened by the events that took place during this service, a presumption of aggravation is established. If it is shown that the medical condition the veteran had before service was made worse while in-service then the VA must show by “clear and unmistakable evidence” that the increase in disability is due to the natural progress of the disease and not in service experiences. To rebut this presumption the VA has a very difficult burden to meet.





Presumptive Service Connection

The presumption of service connection is a legal standard that allows veterans who served in particular groups, were exposed to particular circumstances, and during a certain time period, to automatically be granted service connection if they have one of the specifically listed presumed conditions drafted by the VA. Veteran groups that may qualify for presumptive disability benefits include: former prisoners of war, Vietnam veterans including those exposed to Agent Orange or ionizing radiation, or, Gulf War Veterans.

Secondary Service Connection

If a service-connected medical condition caused or aggravated another claimed medical condition than the claimed medical condition is service-connected also. It must be shown by medical evidence that it is “at least as likely as not” that the medical condition for which the veteran is seeking service connection was caused or aggravated by an already service-connected condition.

1151 Claims and VA Federal Tort

If your medical condition was proximately caused by VA medical care then the claimed medical conditions can be service-connected.

Achieving service connection can be a long confusing process, but we have mastered this process. Please contact the firm with any questions or assistance. We have experienced staff that is knowledgeable in the current law to assist you in collecting your records, assessing your claim, communicating with the VA, and much more. We have multiple relationships with experienced doctors that have written countless nexus opinions that have helped our clients throughout the years gain service connection, increase benefits, and achieve earlier effective dates.